It's all very ludical, throwing shoes over the White House fence on the last day of Bush's presidency, but for eight years we've not seen any protests significant enough to speak off. The American people went bravely shopping and let W Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Rice run the country and Iraq into the ground without much criticism. So, throw your shoes in response to a currently being held and tortured Iraqi journalist who showed he had the guts to stand up against Bush and show the world how he felt, but don't congratulate yourself. As a nation, you've been lazy, silent, complicit, and cowardly. Hopefully, Obama will negate this shameful period in world history with intellect, tact, and sincerity, but crimes have been committed and too many have stood by. That didn't happen in the Philippines, Ukraine, Beirut, and other places where the people took to the streets and demanded change they could believe in before it was offered to them on a platter...
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