In the months leading up to Obama's inauguration the criminal gang that has been busy ruining the lives of American soldiers, Iraqi citizens, and Afghan mountain dwellers decided they were not satisfied with the billions of taxpayers' money siphoned off into black hole accounts of companies engaged in the Wiedergutmachung in Iraq under the protection of Blackwater mercenaries during a regime-change blitzkrieg that to this day is called a "war," but is undeclared, and has as its enemy a vague entity that may or may not be engaged in trying to liberate Arab soil from the infidel invaders that came for oil, so-called freedom, and the spread of Christianity, but settled for torture, corruption, lies, manipulation, and the expansion of the industrial military complex.
So, with an eye on the perceived temporary discontinuation of the dismantling of America during the Obama term the most evil members of the GOP concocted a sublime plan by creating a new 9/11, but this time rather than using explosions and controlled demolitions of tall buildings a series of implosions was proposed that would severely handicap the new administration and perhaps restore Republican popularity come the 2012 elections by manipulating the stock market mechanisms. If the Nazis had succeeded they would have destabilized America's and Great Britain's economies by flooding them with counterfeit bank notes. This time something similar in outcome could be effectuated by processes that started with deregulating the banks and financial institutions and introducing a sophisticated and incomprehensible scheme with worthless loans that were traded deep toward a black hole that would at some trigger point collapse under its own gravity.
While Capitalism has been sold to its last breath as a system that would perpetuate itself with the elimination of weaker companies so that stronger ones can survive, the market economy, once hollowed out from within was not to be tolerated to behave thusly. If Obama pulls it off to "save" the economy it will be a miracle. Most everyone so far is impressed with his royal stature and supreme intelligence. But even he will find it difficult to stop the avalanche set in motion by the Republicans.
Bush (and by Bush, I mean the lying, cheating, conspirators Cheney, Wolfewitz, Rumsfeld, Rice, et al) have pulled off another daring feat, by turning America overnight from a Capitalist into a Socialist society and grabbing billions of the people's monies and turning it over with nary any oversight to henchman and executioner Henry Paulson, a Wall Street insider who has been retained to distribute this new wealth to the wealthiest fat-cats who shamelessly jumped in their private jets to ask Congress for even more free funds to shore up their mismanaged and behind-the-times companies. Trickle-down economy in reverse. Does anyone have any doubt that the Republican Party's main doctrine has outlived its premise?
Supposedly extending the people's credit to failing institutions managed by failing executives will suddenly make the latter humble, make them see the error of their greedy ways, and turn them into social-conscious do-gooders, while a study of these people's faces during laughable public "hearings" tell you that they know only one creed: greed. The companies receiving public funding should have been forced to make the American taxpayers shareholders and the recipients of promised profits when these companies are back on their feet, but that hasn't happened. Your check will not be in the mail.
And so the crime was committed, and all saw that it was good. Markets and financial institutions would continue to be headed by the only ones capable and available to manage them—those that helped getting us into this mess in the first place.
What will change? I predict nothing. Nothing at all.
The much-touted American Dream is shattered.
A wake-up call has sounded as loud as the civil defense siren in your neighborhood, but, once again the American people are paralyzed, conned as they have been by a wide scare, and while they're being robbed, raped, and pillaged, they are ready to go along with whatever sounds like a good idea as alternatives are not being deemed acceptable (the collapse of Wall Street, the banks, and the automobile industry) even though that is just what capitalism and a free market-driven economy should allow to happen.
Afraid that their dollars may no longer support their glutinous lifestyles Americans quietly and uncomprehendingly watch the bailout-scheme unfold on their oversized HDTVs instead of taking en-masse to the streets to yell, rebel, and protest so loud that it would be heard around the world. A world that in turn is devastated by what begun as the actions of a few, headed early on by
Phil Gramm and his quest for deregulation and suspending financial oversight. Like everything else the Republicans plan, their execution is flawed, because the premise of their very core is based on denial of equality, amassing personal fortune, and hatred for those who are not them. The results are favoritism, installing cronies in positions of power, bribery, misuse of public funds, voter-fraud, the corruption of public office, the betrayal of the religious base they claim to represent, using soldiers for political ends, and ultimately the destruction of The Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Meanwhile, the Republicans will vote against any attempt by the Obama administration to save the economy they destroyed, as they have already shown us in the last weeks. Obama's failure will be their victory with Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin and Ann Coultier laughing the loudest. After voting twice for Bush I don't give the American people any credit for smart future decisions in spite of Obama's win.
And so, the overall picture is becoming clear. We're watching a looting in progress with as goal total control of the political playing field and the American people by the Republicans. This is a high stakes chess game where the ante will be upped by the player who can see several moves farther into the game. My bet is still on Obama, but he's a nice guy and his opponents are strategic bullies who'll stop at nothing, even as their party seeks to rebuild its dented public facade.
After 8 years of Republican indoctrination I fear that the possibility of a major Republican victory (by counting or buying votes) may effectively dismantle the current 2-party system and leave in place a 1-party system like old Russia, China, or Germany under the Nazis.
The people have other worries, like losing their jobs and homes.
For now.
The conditions will be as ripe as they were when Hitler grabbed power.
This time the enemy has an American face. The ruddy, greedy, contorted, ugly, hateful, and angry face of the Republican Party.
The original headline read: "Chinese Woman Freaks Out In Airport, Gets 600,000 Hits On YouTube"
An innocent headline to many, but I see ignorance rearing its ugly headline. If the woman had been Caucasian, would the headline have read, "Caucasian Woman Freaks Out?"
Now, I know that Chinese is a group, and not a race, but tell that to my Chinese ex-wife...
The woman was not identified as a Chinese national, but as someone looking and sounding Chinese. She could have come from anywhere. So, let's rewrite the headline accordingly:
"A Mongoloid Woman Freaks Out."
Some anthropologists would argue that there are only three races: Negroid, Caucesoid, and Mongoloid. Thomas Huxley introduced the term "Mongoloid," based on the physical characteristics of Mongolian people, but included American Indians as well as Arctic Native Americans, Laplanders, the Finnish, Eskimos, and Pacific Islanders, but ultimately "Mongoloid" was widely adopted to mainly include the people of South-East Asia, and we recognize Eskimos, American Indians, and Polynesians as different races.
More recently, the Human Genome Project stated unequivocally that "races" do not exist in any biological sense... I'd agree with that more than the tendency to divide people based on their physical appearances. My point is that in the U.S., where race is often mentioned as a distinct feature that typifies the behavior of a group, Caucasians are often excluded from this bias when it comes to the news and their skin color or racial origin is seldom if ever mentioned.
Therefore, "Caucasian Woman Freaks Out," is an unlikely headline in a country where people have grown accustomed to think in racial terms when looking at someone...
Therefore, "Woman Freaks Out," would have sufficed, but I doubt it would have garnered as many YouTube views...