So, the Republican mayor of Los Alamitos, a small Southern California city of 12,000, says he will resign after being criticized publicly for sharing an e-mail picture depicting the White House lawn planted with watermelons under the title "No Easter egg hunt this year."
The news reports that Grose says he accepts that the e-mail was in poor taste and has affected his ability to lead the city. Grose added that he didn't mean to offend anyone and claimed he was unaware of the racial stereotype linking black people with eating watermelons...
Yeah, right...
This goes back to parenting. You reap what you sow.
Prejudice is always wrong. Discrimination is useful to discern between green and yellow lights, but wrong when coupled with racial prejudice.
Everybody is racist to a degree, and racial jokes are the great equalizer between cultures that will never disappear or put Chris Rock out of a job, so recognizing that and being sensitive to other people's perception should prevent one from applying humor ignorantly in a hurtful and disrespecting manner (unless everyone can laugh about their own bias).
If someone who is not too smart chooses public life, gaffes, like Bush mentioning his Filipino chef to the Philippine president, are bound to happen.
Apology accepted, lesson learned.
Bush didn't step down, and nobody called for it. This mayor therefore must be smarter than Bush by a brain hair...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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