Rahm Emmanuel is right. It's clear that in absence of a vision the GOP has its conservative action strategies dictated by media clowns like the ever-ballooning Rush Limbaugh and the heartless, meatless, and bloodless Ann Coulter with their obnoxious late-term lovechild Jonathan Krohn—who escaped being thrown away with the bloody bath water of so many Republicans trying to wash off the death and destruction brought on by their support for Bush, the waffling self-proclaimed "Decider" and his paranoid policies.
It would actually be funny as a Republican sideshow of thick-skinned ruddy-faced elephants and their adorable pink offspring, were it not that the evidence from the last eight years teaches us that the ad-nauseam repeated sound-bite rhetorical phlegm production they trumpetted as proof of brain activity has delivered nothing for the economy, the environment, and the well-being of a changed America. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. These self-described conservatives conserve little else than the nostalgic notion that they are the fossilized godzilla guardians of little more than the idea that the Sixties were America's finest hour.
I'd say, let this public circus of worn-out slogan slingers and dapper Don Quixotes parade all it wants as it blindly beats a noisy path into the nocturnal and dank dawn-less forest where old dogmas die under the applause of one hand clapping, and let its historical grandstand linger on in fitful dreams of a return to dictatorial days by the Hannitys, O'Reillys, and Malkins that drunk with absent power have fallen off the political relevancy bandwagon...
You can neither fight windmills nor windbags.
About Rahm Emanuel
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