There are always folks that consider themselves "real" Americans in the way only a Sarah Palin will recognize that worm themselves into every blog thread with no regard to its topic, only to spew some vitriolic ideas 360 degrees.
Today, I encountered the following interruption of Geithner's economic discussion with the following remarks:
"Because of the violence in Mexico, Hillary is talking about banning assault weapons here in the USofA. Time for me to go out and purchase a few more assault weapons to add to my tactical weapons collection.
I have every right to defend my home against any and all evildoers. God Bless America, and God Bless our Troops."
To that I couldn't help but reply thusly: "Hey pal, you walked into the wrong discussion group. This one's about the economy. The creepy survivalist, kill-em-when-they-come, paranoid, fearful, big-mouth, finger-on-the-trigger, semi-fascist, neo-nazi, hiding-in-a-fox-hole, bunker-building, Timmy McVeigh-worshipping sad sacks discussion group is over to your far, far right, down the hall, in the basement. Be careful when entering and don't use the word "government" or you may get a load of your own fear fired at you by your com-patriots..."
I know, I shouldn't have, but hey, I carry ammunition too...
About Timothy Geithner
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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