An experimental oddity just two years ago, these strange semi-submarines are the cutting edge of drug trafficking today. They ferry hundreds of tons of cocaine over the Pacific Ocean route for most northbound shipments.
So, if the government, administration after administration, remains in the business of protecting its citizens with a War On Drugs at the tune of $20 Billion a year, thereby acting preventively with concern for the health of its citizens, why not extend the same policy by implementing a War On Cancer, or a War On HIV, or a War On Obesity, or a War On Overpriced Medication, or a War On Stupidity, or a War On Greed, or... you get the idea. There are many threats to our health and well-being but we've seen that the government cannot and will not interfere on our behalf, which is why we're in the mess we're in, health-wise, economy-wise, and otherwise. So, I suggest to either abandon the selective "War On Drugs" concept or extend it to all areas related to our well-being.
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